The Pitch Coach

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A Journey of Resilience and Innovation: with Nikolina Lauc, founder and CEO of Glycanage

Nikolina’s journey from a young girl saving tadpoles to a successful entrepreneur in the biotech industry is a testament to resilience, innovation, and the power of believing in oneself. Her story continues to inspire many, highlighting the potential of turning challenges into opportunities.

Early Years

Growing up in Croatia, especially during the early 90s, was an experience marked by resilience and adaptation. Nikolina, who was born in 1991, shares her story, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities she encountered during her formative years. Her narrative is a blend of personal anecdotes and reflections on how these experiences shaped her entrepreneurial spirit.

Childhood in Croatia and Early Life

Nikolina’s childhood coincided with the Croatian War of Independence. Despite the turmoil, her memories are surprisingly positive. "I was really young during the war, so my memories are not negative. If anything, it was kind of playful because our grandparents would take us to underground bunkers with bunk beds where everyone played," she recalls. This period, filled with family and community support, left a lasting impression on her.
Her parents were young and ambitious. Both were pursuing doctorates amidst the chaos of war, a testament to their determination. Her father, at just 20 years old when she was born, was already setting the foundation for his future work in glycobiology, a field that would later intertwine with Nikolina’s career.

Early Entrepreneurship

Nikolina’s entrepreneurial journey began at a very young age. One of her earliest ventures was a frog startup at the age of five or six. This charming story is often recounted by her parents. She and her younger brother, on their way home from kindergarten, discovered a puddle full of tadpoles. Seeing the puddle drying up, she decided to save the tadpoles, collecting them in plastic bottles and taking them home.
Her mother, though initially puzzled by the delay in their return, supported Nikolina’s initiative. They ended up keeping the tadpoles in pots and pans on the balcony. Nikolina even figured out how to feed them, learning that tadpoles thrive on microorganisms found in muddy water. This simple act of rescuing tadpoles evolved into a business when she took the frogs to kindergarten and sold them to her peers. "We came home one day with 20 kuna, and my mom asked how we got it. My brother said we sold frogs," Nikolina laughs.

Transition to the Tech World

Nikolina’s first official company came when she turned 18. With a small startup capital from her father, she ventured into organizing events, raising significant sponsorship from drinks companies. However, this experience was also a hard lesson in financial management as the venture ran out of money within six months. This early setback taught her the importance of financial prudence in entrepreneurship.
Her next significant entrepreneurial effort was in the tech industry. Despite her family’s scientific background, Nikolina pursued an engineering course and stayed away from science initially. Her breakthrough came when she co-founded GlycanAge, a company focused on measuring biological age through glycans, a field her father had been passionate about.

Founding GlycanAge

GlycanAge emerged from her father’s scientific research, which had developed over 17 years with significant grant funding. In 2020, with the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and a declining travel business, Nikolina decided to fully invest in GlycanAge. She put in a quarter of a million dollars, initially intended for a property deposit, into the company, signifying her commitment.
GlycanAge provides a simple at-home blood test that measures glycans to determine biological age, giving insights into one's immune system health and potential future health risks. This innovative approach allows individuals to take proactive steps in their health management, potentially delaying age-related diseases by up to 10 years.

Challenges and Successes

Raising funds for GlycanAge was challenging but rewarding. Nikolina learned the importance of persistence and believing in oneself. She highlights the significance of finding the right partners, both in business and investment. Her journey in pitching to VCs, despite initial nerves and reservations, eventually led to securing a seed round of 4.2 million dollars.

Lessons Learned

Nikolina’s story is rich with lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:
  1. Financial Prudence: Never run out of money. Plan for the long run and ensure financial sustainability.
  2. Delegation: Learn to delegate effectively. It is crucial for scaling a business and maintaining personal well-being.
  3. Partnerships: Find good partners. This includes co-founders, employees, and investors. A supportive and skilled team is vital for success.

The Future of GlycanAge

Nikolina envisions GlycanAge becoming a billion-dollar company by integrating its technology with healthcare systems worldwide, focusing on preventive care. Her mission is to make these tools accessible to everyone, enabling a shift from reactive to proactive healthcare.